Friday, December 28, 2012

Final Thoughts Before Departing for Haiti

Well, we are down to 10 hours before departing for Haiti.  So, what goes through your mind before one departs for their first international mission trip?   A lot of things!!

1.  I'm really excited!  So excited that I hope I can sleep tonight!!
2.  Allyson had to help me pack - she said I was struggling.   She was right.  I was trying to pack "perfectly".
3.  I really want to be used and hope that I can get out of the way of myself so that God can use me as He wants to.
4.  My american, wealthy self is worried about "looking bad" with no hairdryer to "fix" my hair, and minimal make-up.  I'm sure I'll get over that really quickly - - at least I hope so.  I don't want my vanity to get in the way either. 
5.  Even though I've seen Allyson's pictures and heard her stories, etc., I'm wondering what it is going to be like. 
6.  I'm a little scared of being pulled out of my comfort zone - - but then that is really when I'll depend on God and He can really do His work - - so it is exciting at the same time!!
7.  Be prepared to share my testimony . . . hmmmm.  I'd been wondering how to share my testimony to people that live in so much poverty - at least compared to what I live in.  So I asked God what part of my testimony I needed to share.  He impressed upon me that He created us to have a relationship with us.  A personal relationship.  He wants to walk with us in every aspect of our lives - like he did with Adam in the Garden in the beginning.  So my testimony goes like this:

I was fortunate to grow up in a place where there are churches everywhere and we have our pick of which one to attend.  Because of this I cannot remember a time when I did not know who God was.  I knew His Son, Jesus, came to earth and died on the cross.  I'm not sure I really understood the significance of what He did or why He did it.  I knew there was a Heaven and a Hell, but my little brain thought you went to Heaven if you were a good person and Hell if you were a bad person.  I was OK with that because I was a good person.  I just didn't understand at the time what the measuring stick was Perfection!  No one is perfect.  I learned that when I was in my early 20s.  That's when I realized I was not good enough for Heaven and that I needed a Savior.  That's when I asked Jesus to be my Savior and my Lord.   THEN, , , it got really good because it was then that I began to learn that not only did God want to save me, He wanted a relationship with me.  He, God Almighty Himself, wanted to know me and wanted me to know Him - like a friend.   This was another life changing moment for me.  Right now in my life I am working to cultivate that relationship.  Some days I do really well at it, and others - - well, not so well.  Just like with my human relationships - some days they are great, and other days - - - well, not so well.  Thankfully, my God is patient with me and He is always right there when I come back to work on that relationship again.   He knows you!  He knows your name, He knows how many hairs are on your head.  And He wants you to know Him and to have a relationship with Him.

Please pray that this testimony is one that someone needs to hear and that I can get out of the way for God to use it.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Eve

Hello, Christmas Eve!  You have arrived!!!  (It's currently 12:20am on 12/24)

I was finished wrapping presents BEFORE you arrived!! (barely, but I was)

Earlier in the year, I felt like you were coming way too soon; but, now that you are here, it's not too soon at all!

I'm looking forward to what you have to bring this year:
     - time with family
     - good food
     - gifts, of course, make the day fun
     - games
     - but this year, I've been challenged to really take a look at how well I know the person that we are really celebrating - - Jesus!

You see, as we begin to really celebrate Jesus' birth, I have been reminded twice already - in one day no less -  that we are wise when we seek Him.  I've also been reading a book that has challenged me to determine if I really depend on Him.  In this country, we are really very wealthy people, even if we think we are not.  And I've been challenged to look deep to determine if I rely and depend on God to provide for me - in ALL ways.  I think because we are a wealthy people that we don't tend to really rely on God as we should.

I'm about to embark on a mission trip to Haiti.  I began planning to go on this trip because my daughter's heart is in Haiti.  I thought it was time to go see this place and these people that she loves so much, and I thought it would be great to experience it with her.  And I am REALLY excited to be able to do that.  I have already begun to be challenged; however, by another missionary (the book I mentioned above is written by a Ugandan missionary).  We will only be in Haiti for basically 7 days, but I want to show and share Christ's love to whomever I am supposed to.   LOVE - that's really all mission work is.  Love on those God has put in your path in order to show His love - which is the ultimate love.  I hope I can do that.  I'm beginning to think that God has way more in store for me than just experiencing this land and people with my daughter.   I don't know what will happen, but I am really getting excited about it!!

More to come . . . 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Exercise Update and Other Random Thoughts

So, it's been almost 2 months since my last post.  Swimming has continued to go well.  Now that the outside, free pool has closed, I was forced to get a gym membership.  I ended up going with the Brodie/Wilson gyms on campus through Duke's Fitness Program.  It's only $17/month!!  Cheap, I tell you!!   Anyway, my membership was activated last week.  I was out of town Monday and Tuesday, and Wednesdays are no swim days for me anyway, so I went Thursday and Friday.  Brodie is nice!  It has 4 lap lanes that go from 4 1/2 feet on one end to 8 feet on the other - whew!  I'm gonna have to get where I can swim an entire lap without stopping AND learn how to do the flip turn because at the 8 foot end, I have to hang onto the pool to rest.  Then it's hard to get a good push off to swim back.  They have a nice locker room area, and I'm beginning to get a plan in place about what to take with me everyday to make my changing time more efficient.  I've had several people ask me how much weight I've lost.  They say they can tell.  I can tell my clothes are fitting differently, but the scales have not changed any.  But if others can tell I'm losing inches, then that's GREAT!  I need to set a goal for between now and Christmas.  Let's see, that's 13 weeks.   I could, conceivably, lose up to 26 pounds, but the scales just aren't my friend, so maybe I should concentrate on inches (?).  That means I need to measure myself.  And then I need to figure out what a reasonable goal would be - - hmmm.  I'll have to google that.  I'll let you know what I decide.

Other random thoughts . . .

I'm in SUCH a funk right now - I don't want to cook, I don't want to read my Sunday School stuff, I don't want to plan children's choir, I just don't really want to do much of anything.  What is wrong with me????? Maybe I need some beach time - just me and the beach!!

I got my passport the other day, and money is starting to come in for Haiti.  That still seems like a non-reality at this point for me, yet I am looking forward to it.  I want some of the exercise mentioned above to help "lighten my load" before that trip!!

I'm playing Fantasy Football again this year with a group from my office!  So far I'm 2 - 0 and it looks like after this week I'll be 3-0.  I won last year!  Oh, yes I did!  :)

I'm boring, so that's about all of the random thoughts I have for now.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Exercise - Part 2

Well, the swimming has begun!  It has been 1 month since my post about starting this exercise.  I have improved quite a bit since that very first night - when I couldn't even swim the entire length of the pool without stopping and sucking air!  Allyson is much better than I, but I am doing it!  I can actually make 10 - 12 laps (20 - 24 lengths of the pool) in 45 minutes now.  I am still stopping after each length, but not resting as long as I used to - - so progress has been made!

So, we haven't quite gotten 4 nights/days of swimming in each week as I'd originally hoped, but we have gone at least twice each week together!  Allyson as gone some without me, which I haven't ventured out to do yet without her.  She is such a motivator for me, though.  And while she does give me a hard time, she's my cheerleader too, and I appreciate that so much!

I've been sick for almost a week, so it's been a week since I've been in the pool.  I may not make it back until Thursday this week - but I am finally feeling like I want to, so that's a big plus!! I went Sunday afternoon to sit and watch as Allyson swam, so she didn't have to go alone - AND - to get out of the house.  I found myself missing it, actually!  That's good!  Real good!!   So, while this week is not looking like a 4 out of  nigher either, that's OK.  Next week is a new week!  Just keep doing what you can do when and where you can do it!

I've got to be looking into what to do after the summer and the free pool is closed.  Time for a gym membership somewhere.  I just need to do my homework!

Saturday, June 16, 2012


Ugh - that dreaded word.

I think I dread that word so much because I am so badly out of shape.   I know, from past experience, that once I get into some sort of a routine, that I won't dread it as bad.  It's just getting started that is so h.a.r.d.
So, Allyson began swimming her last semester in college, and that is actually something that I have wanted to do.   The problem?  I need a pool.  The next problem?  Because of our financial situation, I couldn't afford a membership to anywhere that had a pool.  So, no swimming.   BUT, now that warmer weather is here, I can go to one of the Duke campus pools F.R.E.E.!  Allyson is going to go with me, because it is always a lot more fun to go with a friend - PLUS you have the accountability.

Last week was VBS at our church, so we had to wait until next week to start.  VBS; however, provided me a little jump start on the whole exercise thing.  I teach the music for VBS, which means that all of the kids attending come through my room.  These songs are lively and have lots of movement to them, so after 5 times of singing and jumping and whatever, I have had quite the workout.  VBS wiped me this year.  I'm usually very excited for the last night when all the kids get to "perform" for their parents, but I was dreading having to do those songs one more time.  I did it, though!  Lively and with a smile on my face!  But, whoa!, am I a tired puppy after this week.

So, starting Monday after work, Allyson and I will be swimming each evening (with the exception of Wednesday because of church)!  I'm excited about this because there is no impact and I'm really hoping it will help my back and knees.  My knees have been giving me a fit - and I know it's just because I'm not as active as I should be and need to get some weight off.  My doctor tells me this every time I see him.

So, this week's goal is to swim 4 out of the 5 worknights.  We'll set another goal for next week.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

June Happenings

Hello, I feel I should introduce myself again, since it has been almost 2 months since I posted anything here.  I start to post and then think to myself, "I don't have anything interesting to say.", and I logout.  But I got a, "Mother.", when Allyson looked at the last time I'd blogged, so here goes nothing . . .

I mentioned in my last post that the beach house was on the market.  Well, it sold very quickly, but not at a price I'd hoped for.  Anyway, I still got enough out of it to pay off all but 1 of our credit cards.  I held on to enough money to put a new roof on our house too - - THAT was priority!!  It hasn't happened yet, but should in about a week or so.  I'm ready to get that finished!!  So, regarding debt . . . other than our mortgage, of course, we have 1 credit card and lots of parent plus loans that were taken out for the girls college.  We are in a MUCH more manageable position now, and I feel I can breathe a little bit.  I still have a ways to go to getting debt free, but I feel like I can really put a plan into place and make it happen now! That is SUCH a great feeling!  Also, I'm really proud of my girls and how they are starting our their financial life on a MUCH better note than I did.  Erin has already paid off the College Foundation loans that were in her name - way to go E!!
I am paying her others (SIDE NOTE:  My plan was to pay ALL of theirs, but . . .)  Allyson's will go into repayment status in December and she's already making plans on how to knock hers out.  I hope to be able to help her as well.

On another monetary topic, Randy had a wreck back in March and from the settlement of them totaling his truck, we were able to get another car and he is going to be able to get our green truck fixed so that we have an extra vehicle.  God is so good to provide for our needs.

Work . . . well, work is not so calm any longer.  It's fiscal year-end and this month people get C.R.A.Z.Y.  I have been slammed!  I hate the month of June at work.

Church . . . we just presented our children's musical.  We joined forces with Braggtown Baptist Church and were able to present it once there and once at Grey Stone. It was FABULOUS, if I do say so myself!  So So So much fun!!   Here are a few pics - - more will follow when I get them all:

The Directors

The Tech Crew

The Choir

"Spud" aka Jacob Meyers

"Annie and Riley" aka Callie Bresch and Lily Taylor

Now it is time for VBS and I'm cramming to learn those songs ALONG with the motions!!!  They don't seem too difficult this year - thank goodness - I just need to go over them and over them and over them.  AND we've got to get the VBS Music Room decorated!  We are Yellowstone Nat'l Park and Lee Anne has rigged me up an "Old Faithful" that actually erupts! (your rock, Lee Anne) but it's our backdrop I'm struggling with.  Heading out momentarily to look for something!

As much as I love doing these things, I'll be glad for a rest after next week!  I have some plans at home I want to work on:  more organizing, cleaning, scrapbooking, budgeting, cooking, . . . the list goes on.

That's all for now. I'll try not to let it be another 2 months before posting again.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Life Update

It's been awhile since you last heard from me! I've had a dry spell. :o)

We are about to enter a new chapter in our lives, as our baby girl graduates from college! It just doesn't seem possible! I have seen such a growth in her these past couple of years. Not only has she grown, she has BLOSSOMED! And that is a beautiful thing to watch and see!!

I have ALWAYS loved her, but I REALLY REALLY like her too! I'm so proud of her, and I am so excited to see what God has in store for her life now. We all feel like a portion of her life is going to be spent in Haiti!!! We just don't know when or how long at this point, but we know God will make that clear. Until then, I will enjoy having her back at home for awhile. I've missed her!

Other family news:
Erin and Stephen are moving to a smaller, less expensive, apartment as Stephen is getting ready to go back to school!
Randy had a wreck a few weeks ago, and we will soon be settling all of that and getting him a new ride (and in "new" I mean, used).
My Dad's wife has put the house at the beach up for sale, so that means that as soon as it sells, I will have enough money to pay off everything but our mortgage and college loans - which will make my life much less stressful. (Daddy left his 1/2 to me and my sisters) Finances will still be tight, and not much extra spending still, but it will be better!! There is actually a contract on the house right now, but I don't know how much and we are waiting to see if it will appraise - - so pray that it does!!
Work is REALLY good right now - in as far as I'm "caught up" (shhhh, I didn't say that out loud), and I'm not stressed at work at all at the moment!!

So, life is pretty good right now - - Thank you, Lord! I've needed a break. :o)

Thursday, March 15, 2012