C - Carols - I love Christmas music! I think it would be fun to go Christmas caroling! How often do you see Christmas Carolers? Not often!
H - Home - Christmas is a time to be at home with family. I love my living room at Christmas. Tree lights on, fire in the fireplace, curled up on the couch with some hot chocolate, either watching a Christmas movie, or listening to Christmas music. Love it!
R - Reindeer - Well, you can't have Christmas without reindeer! We have one on our tree. His name is Randy Reindeer! - What? It is!!
I - Icicle Lights - A house is not completely decorated for Christmas without icicle lights hanging from the gutters! I'm just sayin'.
S - Snowmen - I know we don't get much snow here at Christmastime, but don't you always think of snowmen at Christmas? Yeah, you do!
T - Tree - Well, of course, the tree! It 's the main decoration you associate with Christmas! I love looking at my tree all decorated and lit. So pretty!
M - Manger - The manger scene - - I have a ceramic one that I made years ago, and I look forward to putting it up each year. I need to do that today, as a matter of fact! As my pastor said, this year when you look at the manger scene think "This really did happen in human history!" Wow.
A - Angels - The angels that announced the birth of Jesus! Wouldn't that have been a thing to witness?
S - SON OF GOD - The main thing, of course, is that Christmas is the celebration of the birth of the Son of God, Jesus! Keep the main thing, the main thing this year!
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Focus on Jesus!
Well, it is that time of year - again! Yep! Living Christmas Tree time!!! The structure was erected yesterday, and presentations begin a week after Thanksgiving! I am NOT READY I tell you! NOT READY!
The sight of the tree didn't excite me this year. I'm not as prepared with my music at this point. I'm not even motivated to get my music preparation underway!!! WHY?
I think it is because of our financial situation and there just isn't any money for gifts this year - at least not that I can see right now. BUT . . . I am trying to teach the children in my choir (from the music we are learning) that our focus at Christmas is supposed to be on Jesus, not on the gifts. And what am I doing? I'm focusing on the gifts!!! I may not be focusing on what I will get, but rather focusing on what I will give! But still, my focus shouldn't be on that aspect of this season!!! My focus should be on the Giver of Life and why He came to this earth in the form of a mere human! I would be destined for eternity in HELL if it weren't for Jesus!! I should be focused on THAT gift and praise and worship HIM!! If I can manage to do that, I think He might just somehow provide the way for me to give a little to the ones I love the most!
So, the Christmas season is fast approaching. I want to FOCUS ON JESUS every day from now until then! Since the Living Christmas Tree is an outreach tool to tell those about Jesus that do not know him, I need to "suck it up" and do my very best in these upcoming presentations with the talent that I have been given!
The sight of the tree didn't excite me this year. I'm not as prepared with my music at this point. I'm not even motivated to get my music preparation underway!!! WHY?
I think it is because of our financial situation and there just isn't any money for gifts this year - at least not that I can see right now. BUT . . . I am trying to teach the children in my choir (from the music we are learning) that our focus at Christmas is supposed to be on Jesus, not on the gifts. And what am I doing? I'm focusing on the gifts!!! I may not be focusing on what I will get, but rather focusing on what I will give! But still, my focus shouldn't be on that aspect of this season!!! My focus should be on the Giver of Life and why He came to this earth in the form of a mere human! I would be destined for eternity in HELL if it weren't for Jesus!! I should be focused on THAT gift and praise and worship HIM!! If I can manage to do that, I think He might just somehow provide the way for me to give a little to the ones I love the most!
So, the Christmas season is fast approaching. I want to FOCUS ON JESUS every day from now until then! Since the Living Christmas Tree is an outreach tool to tell those about Jesus that do not know him, I need to "suck it up" and do my very best in these upcoming presentations with the talent that I have been given!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
"Just Do the Next Thing" Update #4
So, I think I have a plan that might actually work and at least pay everyone something each month. I am beginning to send written communication to all of my creditors about this plan. I need your help, now, to pray that my efforts are not only pleasing to God, but that the creditors will be willing to accept it.
I'm so trying to operate on faith here. While reading "One Month to Live", I highlighted the following from the book: "When you're operating on the basis of reason, all you can see is how big your giants are. If you're operating in faith, all you can see is how small your giants are compared to God." It's really hard not to look at them from the basis of reason, but I'm really trying - moment by moment - to see how big my God is and really how small my giants are.
My van has needed inspecting all month because the tags are due. The problem is that my "check engine" light stays on constantly. It has something to do with the emissions stuff and we've had it fixed before to only come back on a week later, so I don't really pay much attention to it until it's inspection time. It won't pass inspection if that light is on. Well, prior to this, the light might go off for a day or two every now and then, but lately it has shown no sign of going off. I told Randy this morning that we had to figure out a way to get the van inspected!!! He set for work, and I set off to get my hair cut. You will NOT believe what happened! Yep! That freakin' little light went off!! I couldn't believe it! I was about out of gas too, so I went and got my hair cut, then stopped by Costco to fill up, and then headed to Jiffy Lube for the inspection. IT PASSED!!!!!! I then came home and renewed my tags online! GLORY BE TO THE FATHER WHO IS THE GIVER OF GOOD THINGS!!! I don't know if God can control mechanical things here on earth, but I can't help thinking He just might have been involved in this! THANK YOU ABBA FATHER!! It is these little things that keep me going!!!
I'm so trying to operate on faith here. While reading "One Month to Live", I highlighted the following from the book: "When you're operating on the basis of reason, all you can see is how big your giants are. If you're operating in faith, all you can see is how small your giants are compared to God." It's really hard not to look at them from the basis of reason, but I'm really trying - moment by moment - to see how big my God is and really how small my giants are.
My van has needed inspecting all month because the tags are due. The problem is that my "check engine" light stays on constantly. It has something to do with the emissions stuff and we've had it fixed before to only come back on a week later, so I don't really pay much attention to it until it's inspection time. It won't pass inspection if that light is on. Well, prior to this, the light might go off for a day or two every now and then, but lately it has shown no sign of going off. I told Randy this morning that we had to figure out a way to get the van inspected!!! He set for work, and I set off to get my hair cut. You will NOT believe what happened! Yep! That freakin' little light went off!! I couldn't believe it! I was about out of gas too, so I went and got my hair cut, then stopped by Costco to fill up, and then headed to Jiffy Lube for the inspection. IT PASSED!!!!!! I then came home and renewed my tags online! GLORY BE TO THE FATHER WHO IS THE GIVER OF GOOD THINGS!!! I don't know if God can control mechanical things here on earth, but I can't help thinking He just might have been involved in this! THANK YOU ABBA FATHER!! It is these little things that keep me going!!!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
The Promise of a Post
OK, now that it's a different day, I'll post what I referred to yesterday.
I preface this post saying that I hope you don't think this gross, or inappropriate in any way. It's just that you have to find the humor in these types of things.
As you may recall, my Dad passed away last year on Labor Day, Sept. 6, 2010. His wishes were to be cremated and to have his ashes spread partly on his mother and father's graves in Roxboro and partly at the beach. My Dad's wife, Joan, was going to be "the keeper" of the ashes and we daughters thought she'd call us when she was ready and that we'd all go together to take care of this.
This year, on the anniversary of Daddy's death, we daughters all contacted Joan to see how she was doing on this difficult day. I won't go into all of that here, but she said she thought she was ready to finally spread his ashes and thought that might help her "move on". OK. We thought she'd tell us when she was ready. Well, about a week later, she emailed one of my sisters and told her that she'd gone to Roxboro and spread part of this ashes on his parents graves as he'd asked. Yep, without us. But that was not a big surprise (again, another story I won't get into here). But she said if we wanted to take the remaining ashes and do something with them, she'd send them to us; otherwise, she'd spread them around the house where they had lived. We discussed this and decided we wanted to do that. Well, she decided to spread some of the remaining ashes around the house anyway, but mailed (yes, in the US Mail) the remainder of the ashes to my sister. Now, this is where it gets good . . . you see, I got tickled at the fact that Daddy was being mailed - through the US Mail - to my sister! I don't know why, but it struck me funny, and I got the silly giggles - laughing out loud -right at my desk at work! Oh, go ahead and laugh too. You know you want to!
OK, so a few days later, I get an email from my sister that says. . . wait for it . . .
"Daddy's here!"
OK - I know you just laughed out loud, because that's what I did!!! Ah Ha Ha! THEN . . . oh yes, it gets better . . . she tell us that Joan put the remaining ashes (they are in the plastic bag from the funeral home, mind you) in a checkbook box! Yes!! A checkbook box!! Ok - I KNOW you are laughing now - - because WE did!!!
Well, my sister thought she would be fine with all of this, but she has apparently been pretty wigged out about Daddy being in a checkbook box on her shelf - which is adding even more hilarity to this whole thing.
So, we were going to go to Holden Beach this weekend to spread the remainder of his ashes, but then Wendy's mother-in-law fell and is in the hospital. Missy and I didn't want to go until all 3 of us could go, so we'll just wait on this. After all, Daddy isn't going anywhere!
In the meantime, Wendy is still wiggin' out about Daddy's ashes being on her shelf. I think I'll go rescue her and get the ashes and bring them to my house. If it wigs me out, then there will be another interesting blog post to follow!
I preface this post saying that I hope you don't think this gross, or inappropriate in any way. It's just that you have to find the humor in these types of things.
As you may recall, my Dad passed away last year on Labor Day, Sept. 6, 2010. His wishes were to be cremated and to have his ashes spread partly on his mother and father's graves in Roxboro and partly at the beach. My Dad's wife, Joan, was going to be "the keeper" of the ashes and we daughters thought she'd call us when she was ready and that we'd all go together to take care of this.
This year, on the anniversary of Daddy's death, we daughters all contacted Joan to see how she was doing on this difficult day. I won't go into all of that here, but she said she thought she was ready to finally spread his ashes and thought that might help her "move on". OK. We thought she'd tell us when she was ready. Well, about a week later, she emailed one of my sisters and told her that she'd gone to Roxboro and spread part of this ashes on his parents graves as he'd asked. Yep, without us. But that was not a big surprise (again, another story I won't get into here). But she said if we wanted to take the remaining ashes and do something with them, she'd send them to us; otherwise, she'd spread them around the house where they had lived. We discussed this and decided we wanted to do that. Well, she decided to spread some of the remaining ashes around the house anyway, but mailed (yes, in the US Mail) the remainder of the ashes to my sister. Now, this is where it gets good . . . you see, I got tickled at the fact that Daddy was being mailed - through the US Mail - to my sister! I don't know why, but it struck me funny, and I got the silly giggles - laughing out loud -right at my desk at work! Oh, go ahead and laugh too. You know you want to!
OK, so a few days later, I get an email from my sister that says. . . wait for it . . .
"Daddy's here!"
OK - I know you just laughed out loud, because that's what I did!!! Ah Ha Ha! THEN . . . oh yes, it gets better . . . she tell us that Joan put the remaining ashes (they are in the plastic bag from the funeral home, mind you) in a checkbook box! Yes!! A checkbook box!! Ok - I KNOW you are laughing now - - because WE did!!!
Well, my sister thought she would be fine with all of this, but she has apparently been pretty wigged out about Daddy being in a checkbook box on her shelf - which is adding even more hilarity to this whole thing.
So, we were going to go to Holden Beach this weekend to spread the remainder of his ashes, but then Wendy's mother-in-law fell and is in the hospital. Missy and I didn't want to go until all 3 of us could go, so we'll just wait on this. After all, Daddy isn't going anywhere!
In the meantime, Wendy is still wiggin' out about Daddy's ashes being on her shelf. I think I'll go rescue her and get the ashes and bring them to my house. If it wigs me out, then there will be another interesting blog post to follow!
Friday, October 21, 2011
Boring? Old? Tired? Hmmm
I've decided I'm a boring person and must lead a rather boring life. I stop to think about something witty or interesting that happened to me today that I could blog about, and . . . yep - nothing comes to mind. Maybe it's just my memory. I'm getting old and forgetful. No, that can't be it. I'm just boring! Boring can be fixed - right?
Ok, maybe I'm not boring . . . I'm just tired. Too tired for witty, interesting things. Or at least too tired to remember them. Geez, that goes back to being old. I don't like this either. I'M NOT OLD YET!! Am I? Of course not! (Thank you, me myself & I, for this conversation)
Ok, so I do have a great idea for a blog post - it just came to me. . . but you'll have to wait until another day. I can't freak you out by posting 2 posts on the very same day!
I've got your attention now, don't I? Ah Ha! I love this!
Ok, maybe I'm not boring . . . I'm just tired. Too tired for witty, interesting things. Or at least too tired to remember them. Geez, that goes back to being old. I don't like this either. I'M NOT OLD YET!! Am I? Of course not! (Thank you, me myself & I, for this conversation)
Ok, so I do have a great idea for a blog post - it just came to me. . . but you'll have to wait until another day. I can't freak you out by posting 2 posts on the very same day!
I've got your attention now, don't I? Ah Ha! I love this!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
"Just Do The Next Thing" Progress Update #3 & This Saturday's Six
OK, it's time for a "Just Do The Next Thing" progress update.
The only progress I've made since the last update is that I went through a lot of old mail and cleaned off part of the computer desk today. This was really huge for 2 reasons: 1) It just looks better and 2) I now have everything in a spreadsheet that we owe and THAT will assist me in putting together a financial plan to accomplish goal #1! :) Even though I'm a little depressed, I feel really good about this step!
The goal about improving my relationship with Jesus will begin tomorrow as our church starts a 6 week journey through a book titled "One Month to Live". It is said to be life changing. I am praying for that to be the case in my life!
THIS SATURDAY'S SIX! (my version of Friday Five - ha!)
1. "Home days" (that's what Erin used to call Saturdays) are just the best! I love not waking to an alarm clock. I love doing just whatever needs to be done and what I want to do. I love when I have the house to myself - which I sort of did today as Randy worked and Allyson slept most of the day. It's just relaxing!!
2. I love that my baby girl, Allyson, is home for fall break! I've missed her!!
3. I love that my newlywed daughter, Erin, and husband came for dinner tonight! I miss her too!!
4. I was very excited when the mail came today and our group tickets for "WICKED" were here! Now I need to go get some envelopes and divvy them up and deliver them! (Looking forward to that show in May!!)
5. The pork roast I was cooking for dinner tonight was not done in time for dinner, so we ran to Food Lion to get some fried chicken from the deli, but now I have dinner already cooked for tomorrow night! Gotta love that!
6. Saturday night means that Sunday morning comes next! I always look forward to worship at my church on Sundays!!
Now to some chocolate chip cookies with my baby girl!
The only progress I've made since the last update is that I went through a lot of old mail and cleaned off part of the computer desk today. This was really huge for 2 reasons: 1) It just looks better and 2) I now have everything in a spreadsheet that we owe and THAT will assist me in putting together a financial plan to accomplish goal #1! :) Even though I'm a little depressed, I feel really good about this step!
The goal about improving my relationship with Jesus will begin tomorrow as our church starts a 6 week journey through a book titled "One Month to Live". It is said to be life changing. I am praying for that to be the case in my life!
THIS SATURDAY'S SIX! (my version of Friday Five - ha!)
1. "Home days" (that's what Erin used to call Saturdays) are just the best! I love not waking to an alarm clock. I love doing just whatever needs to be done and what I want to do. I love when I have the house to myself - which I sort of did today as Randy worked and Allyson slept most of the day. It's just relaxing!!
2. I love that my baby girl, Allyson, is home for fall break! I've missed her!!
3. I love that my newlywed daughter, Erin, and husband came for dinner tonight! I miss her too!!
4. I was very excited when the mail came today and our group tickets for "WICKED" were here! Now I need to go get some envelopes and divvy them up and deliver them! (Looking forward to that show in May!!)
5. The pork roast I was cooking for dinner tonight was not done in time for dinner, so we ran to Food Lion to get some fried chicken from the deli, but now I have dinner already cooked for tomorrow night! Gotta love that!
6. Saturday night means that Sunday morning comes next! I always look forward to worship at my church on Sundays!!
Now to some chocolate chip cookies with my baby girl!
Monday, October 3, 2011
60 Degrees
(Note: I'm cooking dinner while I type this post -probably not a good idea because I'm in a totally separate room - - hope I don't burn something)
Ok - - FALL IS HERE! 60+ degrees! I'm trying to decide if I like it or not . . .
1. Get to bring out the sweaters again. A fresh (even though not new) item of clothing is always exciting.
2. Don't have to run the A/C - that will save some money (sort of - - we're on equal payment plan, so we pay the same amount every month no matter)
3. Low humidity!!!! That's a REAL good one!
4. I like to see the leaves turn their gorgeous colors!
5. Good excuse to go shopping - - I need new clothes AND shoes. Especially shoes. I don't have many that are closed toed.
1. There's not as much sunlight - darker in the mornings and darker in the evenings. I don't like that.
2. I'M COLD! - At least in this house! I awoke to 60 this morning. It is VERY hard to get out of a warm bed.
3. No more veggin' in the sun - - not that I did THAT much of it this year, but knowing I can't is depressing.
4. I know that Winter is not far behind - - and I am not so fond of Winter.
So, I guess I like it a little more than I don't (that makes perfectly good sense, I know), but I sure do miss Summer!
(NOTE: I did NOT burn dinner, and am going to eat it now).
Ok - - FALL IS HERE! 60+ degrees! I'm trying to decide if I like it or not . . .
1. Get to bring out the sweaters again. A fresh (even though not new) item of clothing is always exciting.
2. Don't have to run the A/C - that will save some money (sort of - - we're on equal payment plan, so we pay the same amount every month no matter)
3. Low humidity!!!! That's a REAL good one!
4. I like to see the leaves turn their gorgeous colors!
5. Good excuse to go shopping - - I need new clothes AND shoes. Especially shoes. I don't have many that are closed toed.
1. There's not as much sunlight - darker in the mornings and darker in the evenings. I don't like that.
2. I'M COLD! - At least in this house! I awoke to 60 this morning. It is VERY hard to get out of a warm bed.
3. No more veggin' in the sun - - not that I did THAT much of it this year, but knowing I can't is depressing.
4. I know that Winter is not far behind - - and I am not so fond of Winter.
So, I guess I like it a little more than I don't (that makes perfectly good sense, I know), but I sure do miss Summer!
(NOTE: I did NOT burn dinner, and am going to eat it now).
Saturday, October 1, 2011
So, no update on "Just Do The Next Thing" this week, because there is nothing to update. Sad to say, I didn't even think about these things much this week . . . but that's OK - next week is coming!
So, what highlights from this past week can I share? Hmmm . . . .
1. I planned menus and cooked dinner every night this week! My husband really likes when I do this - :o) I do too because it really is much easier!
2. The sweet Coconut puppy awoke me barking the other morning. When I finally got up to see what he wanted, I couldn't find his food bowl OR his water bowl. Now it is not strange for him to carry around his food bowl as it is getting close to being empty, but he has NEVER moved his water bowl. But alas, he did this time!! He had taken them both to another room - both empty - - I think we was telling me "I'm thirsty, please get up and get me some water!!!" So I refilled both and he was a happy puppy again! :o)
3. I finished a book! "Picture Perfect" by Jodi Picoult.
4. One of the children in my choir wanted us to pray for "their baby" (her mother is expecting) and she said "Pray that it is either a girl or a boy". I said "Ok." (trying not to laugh and ask "as opposed to what?")
5. Oh - I couldn't think of the word "punctuation" the other day, so I asked a co-worker: "What is that word when you are proof-reading someone's paper and you want them to correct - not the words, but the commas and periods and stuff like that?" (Geez)
I've got a lot on my plate right now - over and above the goals I want to work on: 1) Work is extremely stressful right now. Everyone is just buried and running about 3 weeks behind and there is no relief in sight. I dread getting up to go to work in the mornings. 2) I have children's choir responsibilities to plan and carry out each week. 3) Living Christmas Tree is really not that far off, and I need to spend time sitting down with my CD and book and learning this music!! My biggest stresser is work right now, though.
I'm glad today is Saturday!
So, what highlights from this past week can I share? Hmmm . . . .
1. I planned menus and cooked dinner every night this week! My husband really likes when I do this - :o) I do too because it really is much easier!
2. The sweet Coconut puppy awoke me barking the other morning. When I finally got up to see what he wanted, I couldn't find his food bowl OR his water bowl. Now it is not strange for him to carry around his food bowl as it is getting close to being empty, but he has NEVER moved his water bowl. But alas, he did this time!! He had taken them both to another room - both empty - - I think we was telling me "I'm thirsty, please get up and get me some water!!!" So I refilled both and he was a happy puppy again! :o)
3. I finished a book! "Picture Perfect" by Jodi Picoult.
4. One of the children in my choir wanted us to pray for "their baby" (her mother is expecting) and she said "Pray that it is either a girl or a boy". I said "Ok." (trying not to laugh and ask "as opposed to what?")
5. Oh - I couldn't think of the word "punctuation" the other day, so I asked a co-worker: "What is that word when you are proof-reading someone's paper and you want them to correct - not the words, but the commas and periods and stuff like that?" (Geez)
I've got a lot on my plate right now - over and above the goals I want to work on: 1) Work is extremely stressful right now. Everyone is just buried and running about 3 weeks behind and there is no relief in sight. I dread getting up to go to work in the mornings. 2) I have children's choir responsibilities to plan and carry out each week. 3) Living Christmas Tree is really not that far off, and I need to spend time sitting down with my CD and book and learning this music!! My biggest stresser is work right now, though.
I'm glad today is Saturday!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
"Just Do The Next Thing" Progress Update #2
Well, not too much updating to do for this past week. I began the week out of town for 2 days at the NC Baptist Singers Retreat. Then I was sick on Thursday. So that only gave me 3 days to work on any of these goals.
I DID; however, make a few steps in the right direction on some of them. . . 1) I began working on a cash flow plan/budget and 2) I called my sister, Missy, today just to say hi and we talked for quite awhile! So, although the week was "short", it did not go by without some small steps toward accomplishment.
I DID; however, make a few steps in the right direction on some of them. . . 1) I began working on a cash flow plan/budget and 2) I called my sister, Missy, today just to say hi and we talked for quite awhile! So, although the week was "short", it did not go by without some small steps toward accomplishment.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
"Just Do The Next Thing" Progress Update #1
I'm sure you are waiting with anticipation wanting to know what my first next thing was! So, I'll tell you. . .
I put up a hanging shoe rack in my closet!! It fits over the door and is now holding my shoes. That cleared up some space in the closet, and I can actually step inside the closet now. It wasn't much, I know, but it was the next thing.
I also began making sure that I stretch my back some BEFORE getting out of the bed. That next thing alone has made a BIG difference this past week in my back pain!
Lastly, I attempted to go to bed earlier each night. The week started out good and then each night got later and later, but it was the next thing. So, it is a thing I need to keep working on!!!
This is how you accomplish your goals. Just do the next thing.
I put up a hanging shoe rack in my closet!! It fits over the door and is now holding my shoes. That cleared up some space in the closet, and I can actually step inside the closet now. It wasn't much, I know, but it was the next thing.
I also began making sure that I stretch my back some BEFORE getting out of the bed. That next thing alone has made a BIG difference this past week in my back pain!
Lastly, I attempted to go to bed earlier each night. The week started out good and then each night got later and later, but it was the next thing. So, it is a thing I need to keep working on!!!
This is how you accomplish your goals. Just do the next thing.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Just Do The Next Thing
I am a procrastinator. When things appear overwhelming to me, I put them off. Then nothing gets done. I've had this problem/issue my entire life. Now, I know in my head how to tackle it. One step at a time. But then I get overwhelmed trying to figure out where to begin. It is a vicious cycle and I HATE it!! I'm not very good at carrying out small steps to = a big plan.
This is why I like step by step instructions. 1. Do this first. 2. Do this second. and so on. I'm seriously like this with everything I do. Even down to cleaning the kitchen. I have to force myself to focus on one thing at a time: 1. Clean out the dish washer first. - - Don't look at everything else, just do this 1 task. 2. Put dirty dishes into the dishwasher - - Continue to not look at everything else, finish this task. 3. Well, you get the picture, I think. It's HARD!! (Don't laugh - it is.)
So, I have some projects/goals/things I'd like to accomplish. I'm going to try to outline them here and take them 1 at a time by making step by step instructions to complete them. This could take a long time, but might make for some interesting blog posts along the way. Below is a list of some projects/goals/things I'd like to accomplish. Some are B-I-G, REALLY BIG! Some not so big. Now that I know I have a small following, I'm expecting some encouragement here!! If I need physical help, I'll let you know, but for now just some encouragement will help push the procrastinator on to doing the next thing. I read somewhere about that - - when you really don't know what to do, just do the next thing. That might be getting out of the bed, or taking a shower, but just do the next thing.
Below are a list of these projects/goals/things I'd like to accomplish (not necessarily in this order - some of these will be long term projects):
1. Get Control of Finances & Get Out of Debt
(I'm getting mad about this one, so watch out!)
2. Clean out and organize my closet
3. Clean out and organize my dresser
4. Clean out and organize the hall closet
5. Clean out and organize the laundry closet
6. Rearrange/redecorate my bedroom
7. Complete the redecoration of Erin's bedroom into office/guest room/scrapbooking area
8. Go to bed earlier/Get up on time
9. Strengthen my relationship with Jesus
10. Strengthen my relationship with my husband & Date Night once a week!
11. Talk (not email or text) to each of my family members (mom, sisters, daughters) at least once a week.
12. Exercise 3 times a week (but this includes stretching my back muscles daily!) - - Been having some back problems again.
OK I think 12 is enough, don't you? Some are long term and are NOT going to be easy. Others I should be able to knock out, but for me even they will be a bit difficult. So, I'll post weekly on what I've been doing towards these goals - I guess that's Goal #13 - - to be sure I post weekly!! :)
OK, so just do the next thing.
This is why I like step by step instructions. 1. Do this first. 2. Do this second. and so on. I'm seriously like this with everything I do. Even down to cleaning the kitchen. I have to force myself to focus on one thing at a time: 1. Clean out the dish washer first. - - Don't look at everything else, just do this 1 task. 2. Put dirty dishes into the dishwasher - - Continue to not look at everything else, finish this task. 3. Well, you get the picture, I think. It's HARD!! (Don't laugh - it is.)
So, I have some projects/goals/things I'd like to accomplish. I'm going to try to outline them here and take them 1 at a time by making step by step instructions to complete them. This could take a long time, but might make for some interesting blog posts along the way. Below is a list of some projects/goals/things I'd like to accomplish. Some are B-I-G, REALLY BIG! Some not so big. Now that I know I have a small following, I'm expecting some encouragement here!! If I need physical help, I'll let you know, but for now just some encouragement will help push the procrastinator on to doing the next thing. I read somewhere about that - - when you really don't know what to do, just do the next thing. That might be getting out of the bed, or taking a shower, but just do the next thing.
Below are a list of these projects/goals/things I'd like to accomplish (not necessarily in this order - some of these will be long term projects):
1. Get Control of Finances & Get Out of Debt
(I'm getting mad about this one, so watch out!)
2. Clean out and organize my closet
3. Clean out and organize my dresser
4. Clean out and organize the hall closet
5. Clean out and organize the laundry closet
6. Rearrange/redecorate my bedroom
7. Complete the redecoration of Erin's bedroom into office/guest room/scrapbooking area
8. Go to bed earlier/Get up on time
9. Strengthen my relationship with Jesus
10. Strengthen my relationship with my husband & Date Night once a week!
11. Talk (not email or text) to each of my family members (mom, sisters, daughters) at least once a week.
12. Exercise 3 times a week (but this includes stretching my back muscles daily!) - - Been having some back problems again.
OK I think 12 is enough, don't you? Some are long term and are NOT going to be easy. Others I should be able to knock out, but for me even they will be a bit difficult. So, I'll post weekly on what I've been doing towards these goals - I guess that's Goal #13 - - to be sure I post weekly!! :)
OK, so just do the next thing.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Roller Coaster

So, my oldest got married on July 30, 2011. What does that feel like, you ask? An emotional roller coaster is what that feels like! But then, roller coasters are great fun!!
So, I embark on a new chapter in my life. I was reading a friend's blog about a transition of chapters in her life, and was so glad to see my feelings put down into her words - ha! She verbalized a lot of what I was feeling but didn't know how to articulate. You are so excited about this new chapter of beginnings, yet you are literally mourning the "death", if you will, of the past chapters ending. You long at times for things to remain as they were, yet you know that the things to come are wonderful and exciting. A roller coaster of emotions.
The wedding day: I was so worried about being a blubbering idiot. I wasn't. But . . . only because I had too much going on that day to really sit and contemplate what was taking place. Good thing or bad thing? I don't know. My morning was spent getting the last minute things done for the reception. It took longer than I had planned, so I ended up rushing getting ready to get to the church. That was probably a good thing, because if I'd had all the time I'd planned, my hair probably wouldn't have done right, etc. As it turned out, the hair did fine. I got there and went straight back to where Erin was getting ready. She'd gone that morning to get her hair done. Her veil was already on and she was putting on her makeup. She already looked stunningly gorgeous! (I know she's mine, but she was stunning!)

At that point I really had nothing else to do but watch her and wait until the wedding hour. I had moments of tearing up, but would make myself busy so as not to lose it. :o) All of a sudden the time had come. Randy and I walked down the aisle and lit Erin's candle, then I sat. So far so good. Then the bridal party began making it's way - - once the bridesmaids started coming down, I thought, uh oh - this is it, I'm going to lose it. I had to work really hard not to. Allyson almost did too, so I couldn't look at her for support. :o) Then the bride. I thought, "I'll watch Stephen", he was smiling, but I think he was fighting it as well and I decided that watching him was not such a good idea after all, so I turned to watch my first born be walked down the aisle on her daddy's arm (I'm tearing up now worse than I did then! geez) I was so proud!! The ceremony was beautiful! It didn't last long, and all of a sudden, they were pronounced man and wife. Wow. I really have a child who is a married woman now! Surreal. The rest of the evening flew by! The reception was hot, but we had a blast!! I think everyone had a good time, in spite of the heat (104 degrees that day!) Now it almost seems like a blur!
I am still wrestling with my transition of chapters. I miss her not being in my house. As a matter of fact, I am sitting in her bedroom as I type this (which is becoming a joint office/guest bedroom). I am trying to not be the mother who can't let go, so I haven't called much, but I so miss talking with her. I'm waiting about a month, then I'll call more. :o) This transition of chapters is going to be a long roller coaster ride, I believe, because while I'm trying to navigate the transition of one being married, the youngest one is now back at college in her senior year, and I am missing her terribly too. This may be the beginning of yet another chapter transition, and I'm not sure I can handle 2 chapter transitions at the same time.
Wait - - did I say roller coasters were fun? WHAT was I thinking? :o)
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Father's Day
So, I started the day out thinking about my daddy. He passed way 9 months ago. We weren't "close", and to be honest, I didn't talk to him much. I did; however, call him on Father's Day; but today, I couldn't do that. It's been a day of reflection for me. The thing is, the memory embedded in my mind are of his last days. I try not to let this be my memory of him, and maybe this will go away with time, but every time I think of him, that's what I see and remember. Sometimes these memories just hit me out of the blue, when other days I don't think about it at all. I guess that's just the way it is; and maybe it will always be that way. It's just hard sometimes.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
I've been reading through the March issue of Journey, a daily devotional magazine for women. I know it's April, but I don't have April's issue, so I'm reading March's! AND, I haven't been reading it as a daily devotional really, but reading several days devotionals at one sitting. It's not designed to be read this way, but it has had some effectiveness none the less.
Colossians 3:23 - Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not for men.
Well, that alone got my attention, because I have really been not doing anything as if I was doing it for the Lord due to the depressed state I have been in. I had gotten into a rut of sleeping in longer than I should and being late for work every day. I knew I was in this rut, I just couldn't seem to get myself out of it. One of my supervisors (yes, I have more than 1) mentioned it to me. Then later that evening I read this verse. OK, I get it. I have been working very hard to get up on time and not be late to work. And except for 1 day in the past 2 weeks, I have succeeded! I keep remembering to concentrate on 1 day at a time - the day I'm currently in. This verse also convicted me of really taking a look at what I need to do to climb out of this circumstance I am currently trudging through. And I need to to this because the Lord wants the best for me, and He will help me get through this!
One of the devotions was titled "The Hall of UnFaith" - If the Bible had an addendum called the Hall of UnFaith, my portrait would be there, wrote the writer. Boy, I felt the same way! The Lord has provided for us all this time, but I still worry about the future, and I am not usually a worrier. In my last post I prayed about my unfaith. I'm still praying that.
Another day's devotion was titled "Pleasing People or God?" I am a people pleaser. I want everyone to be pleased with me in every way. I am "cut to the core" when confronted about something that I did or did not do that didn't please someone, whether it be at home or at work. I dwell on it for days. The writer stated that if our need to please others consumes us, it will drain us of our confidence and steal our joy. Sometimes these confrontations do drain my confidence, and it takes me a long time to rebuild my self-esteem. The writer suggested doing a personal Bible study on what truly pleases God. I'm thinking about this.
"Wise Leisure" was another day's devotion title. The writer says "we can unwisely fill our lives with activities until they drain us. Staying up late to watch TV... may cause us to shirk responsibilities, which then stresses us out further." BINGO! With "Dancing with the Stars" and "American Idol" on 2 nights a week, I tend to sit there and fast forward through the DVR to catch every minute of it. Then the kitchen doesn't get cleaned, or the bathroom doesn't get cleaned, or whatever, doesn't get done. Then it's waaaay past my bedtime and thus, I have a hard time getting up on time. It's a vicious cycle. I'm working on disciplining myself from TV. This is H-A-R-D!!
"Little Things" is the next devotion that spoke to me. It's about integrity. "Integrity is a huge character trait that is made up of the little things we do." The writer went on to remind us that Psalm 139 teaches us that God is intimately aware of our every move. I pulled out my Bible and read the entire Psalm 139. It is now one of my favorite passages in the Bible.
Other items I underlined in other day's devotions:
1. God is our power source and His strength truly can be perfected in our weakness (2 Cor. 12:19)
2. While reading and I really felt this statement "God, I can't do this anymore". The writer wrote this: When God sent the Israelites into the land He had promised, He reminded them of His past provision and protection, as well as what happened when they did not obey, reiterating, "Keep the commands of the LORD your God" (Deut. 4:2). He didn't promise that obedience would be easy, only that they would be blessed as long as they put obedience to Him above all else. - - - Well, it struck me that it took the Israelites 40 years before they got what God had promised. Why do I expect it overnight? Then I was reminded that going through "my wilderness" was not easy (and it is NOT!) but that I would be blessed as long as I put my obedience to God above ALL else. I had moved away from this a bit, and need to get back on the obedience track! In reading more from Deut. 8, vs 3 really hit home. It says "He humbled you and allowed you to be hungry". I think my hunger is to have this difficult situation I am in taken away, but He is teaching me something here and I haven't figure it all out yet.
3. Another passage in one of the articles that really hit home was John 6:68 "Lord, who will we go to? You have the words of eternal life." Hello!! Why do we ask friends for advice? Why do we seek "experts" to help? This passage tells us VERY clearly - - The Lord is the one with the words of life! DUH!
I think I'll just leave it at that.
Colossians 3:23 - Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not for men.
Well, that alone got my attention, because I have really been not doing anything as if I was doing it for the Lord due to the depressed state I have been in. I had gotten into a rut of sleeping in longer than I should and being late for work every day. I knew I was in this rut, I just couldn't seem to get myself out of it. One of my supervisors (yes, I have more than 1) mentioned it to me. Then later that evening I read this verse. OK, I get it. I have been working very hard to get up on time and not be late to work. And except for 1 day in the past 2 weeks, I have succeeded! I keep remembering to concentrate on 1 day at a time - the day I'm currently in. This verse also convicted me of really taking a look at what I need to do to climb out of this circumstance I am currently trudging through. And I need to to this because the Lord wants the best for me, and He will help me get through this!
One of the devotions was titled "The Hall of UnFaith" - If the Bible had an addendum called the Hall of UnFaith, my portrait would be there, wrote the writer. Boy, I felt the same way! The Lord has provided for us all this time, but I still worry about the future, and I am not usually a worrier. In my last post I prayed about my unfaith. I'm still praying that.
Another day's devotion was titled "Pleasing People or God?" I am a people pleaser. I want everyone to be pleased with me in every way. I am "cut to the core" when confronted about something that I did or did not do that didn't please someone, whether it be at home or at work. I dwell on it for days. The writer stated that if our need to please others consumes us, it will drain us of our confidence and steal our joy. Sometimes these confrontations do drain my confidence, and it takes me a long time to rebuild my self-esteem. The writer suggested doing a personal Bible study on what truly pleases God. I'm thinking about this.
"Wise Leisure" was another day's devotion title. The writer says "we can unwisely fill our lives with activities until they drain us. Staying up late to watch TV... may cause us to shirk responsibilities, which then stresses us out further." BINGO! With "Dancing with the Stars" and "American Idol" on 2 nights a week, I tend to sit there and fast forward through the DVR to catch every minute of it. Then the kitchen doesn't get cleaned, or the bathroom doesn't get cleaned, or whatever, doesn't get done. Then it's waaaay past my bedtime and thus, I have a hard time getting up on time. It's a vicious cycle. I'm working on disciplining myself from TV. This is H-A-R-D!!
"Little Things" is the next devotion that spoke to me. It's about integrity. "Integrity is a huge character trait that is made up of the little things we do." The writer went on to remind us that Psalm 139 teaches us that God is intimately aware of our every move. I pulled out my Bible and read the entire Psalm 139. It is now one of my favorite passages in the Bible.
Other items I underlined in other day's devotions:
1. God is our power source and His strength truly can be perfected in our weakness (2 Cor. 12:19)
2. While reading and I really felt this statement "God, I can't do this anymore". The writer wrote this: When God sent the Israelites into the land He had promised, He reminded them of His past provision and protection, as well as what happened when they did not obey, reiterating, "Keep the commands of the LORD your God" (Deut. 4:2). He didn't promise that obedience would be easy, only that they would be blessed as long as they put obedience to Him above all else. - - - Well, it struck me that it took the Israelites 40 years before they got what God had promised. Why do I expect it overnight? Then I was reminded that going through "my wilderness" was not easy (and it is NOT!) but that I would be blessed as long as I put my obedience to God above ALL else. I had moved away from this a bit, and need to get back on the obedience track! In reading more from Deut. 8, vs 3 really hit home. It says "He humbled you and allowed you to be hungry". I think my hunger is to have this difficult situation I am in taken away, but He is teaching me something here and I haven't figure it all out yet.
3. Another passage in one of the articles that really hit home was John 6:68 "Lord, who will we go to? You have the words of eternal life." Hello!! Why do we ask friends for advice? Why do we seek "experts" to help? This passage tells us VERY clearly - - The Lord is the one with the words of life! DUH!
I think I'll just leave it at that.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
I'm in a funk right now. I'm literally teetering on the edge of depression, I think. No matter where I am: home, work, church even - I want to be left alone and not bothered by anyone. I'm on the edge of tears almost constantly - especially when I'm left alone. Kind of a Catch 22, huh?
So, to pull myself out of this, I really need to concentrate on the blessings in my life. There are many, but of late, I sure haven't "felt" like it. So, to help me remember and to "feel" like I'm blessed . . . a list of at least some of my blessings, because I'm sure there are many many more:
1. God loves me!
2. God provides for me!
a. I have a roof over my head.
b. I have more than 1 vehicle in my driveway.
c. I have food in my pantry.
d. I have my health.
e. I have friends.
f. I have a job.
g. I have a faithful spouse.
h. I have 2 healthy children.
i. I even have the sweetest puppy on earth!
3. God has given me the love of music and the ability to sing praises to Him.
4. God put me in this country that has the freedom to worship Him.
So, why do I feel so "not-blessed"? It's partly because of poor decisions I've made, and thus I'm facing the consequences of those decisions. I've been trudging through this mire for 2 1/2 years now, and I'm growing weary. I've tried to keep God in the center of things and trust Him to walk with me through this mire. I know that I know that He has been right there with me the whole time, but I often take my eyes off of Him and try to do the trudging on my own. That's what I am doing again, and thus, the discontent and depressed, sad feelings I'm having.
God, help my un-belief, my un-faith, my un-trust. You promised that you work all things for good. I do believe that, I'm just weary that it is not happening sooner. You told us to ask for our heart's desires, so I'm asking you now to please relieve this burden that is upon me. Please help me to keep my eyes on You and to remember how You have blessed me in the past and that You always want what is best for me. Thank you for loving me, even when I have moments of un-belief. Help me to live moment by moment. This moment, right now, I have all that I need. Thank you Father God for all that I am learning - even though it is hard.
So, to pull myself out of this, I really need to concentrate on the blessings in my life. There are many, but of late, I sure haven't "felt" like it. So, to help me remember and to "feel" like I'm blessed . . . a list of at least some of my blessings, because I'm sure there are many many more:
1. God loves me!
2. God provides for me!
a. I have a roof over my head.
b. I have more than 1 vehicle in my driveway.
c. I have food in my pantry.
d. I have my health.
e. I have friends.
f. I have a job.
g. I have a faithful spouse.
h. I have 2 healthy children.
i. I even have the sweetest puppy on earth!
3. God has given me the love of music and the ability to sing praises to Him.
4. God put me in this country that has the freedom to worship Him.
So, why do I feel so "not-blessed"? It's partly because of poor decisions I've made, and thus I'm facing the consequences of those decisions. I've been trudging through this mire for 2 1/2 years now, and I'm growing weary. I've tried to keep God in the center of things and trust Him to walk with me through this mire. I know that I know that He has been right there with me the whole time, but I often take my eyes off of Him and try to do the trudging on my own. That's what I am doing again, and thus, the discontent and depressed, sad feelings I'm having.
God, help my un-belief, my un-faith, my un-trust. You promised that you work all things for good. I do believe that, I'm just weary that it is not happening sooner. You told us to ask for our heart's desires, so I'm asking you now to please relieve this burden that is upon me. Please help me to keep my eyes on You and to remember how You have blessed me in the past and that You always want what is best for me. Thank you for loving me, even when I have moments of un-belief. Help me to live moment by moment. This moment, right now, I have all that I need. Thank you Father God for all that I am learning - even though it is hard.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
So, after reading my last post, my youngest, Allyson, has felt a bit left out. My 2010 Highs and Lows didn't mention her at all. Well, Allyson, I apologize. YOU are a BIG HIGH in my life - not just in 2010!! But, while we're on the 2010 review, these are things about you and your life that were highs for me:
1. You have found a great group of friends at HPU.
2. You are incredibly talented and creative, and this is all culminating in your studies. I'm amazed at times at how good you are. And proud! I beam when I hear you talking to someone about design. Your knowledge and confidence are strong!
3. You have bloomed this year - spiritually, socially, academically, in every aspect of your life really. The Allyson I know is back!
I love you, Baby Girl! (and I know you were teasing me about not being mentioned in the last post - but maybe there was a little bit of truth to the comment. I hope this helps!)
1. You have found a great group of friends at HPU.
2. You are incredibly talented and creative, and this is all culminating in your studies. I'm amazed at times at how good you are. And proud! I beam when I hear you talking to someone about design. Your knowledge and confidence are strong!
3. You have bloomed this year - spiritually, socially, academically, in every aspect of your life really. The Allyson I know is back!
I love you, Baby Girl! (and I know you were teasing me about not being mentioned in the last post - but maybe there was a little bit of truth to the comment. I hope this helps!)
Monday, January 31, 2011
2010 vs 2011
So, I'm long overdue on a blog post, and after seeing a lot of other people reflecting on 2010 and looking forward to 2011, I thought - why not join in? So, since today is the last day of January, it is high time I begin doing some reflecting on my past year and looking forward to the next because after January, what's the use really?
2010 Highs and Lows
1. HIGH: My children's choir at church did a musical entitled "Land of the Giants". It was one of the most fun musicals I have done. The script was cute, the songs were awesome, and it was just plain fun!
2. LOW: We did NOT get to take a family vacation this year. I missed my vegging time on the beach.
3. HIGH: Erin graduated with her Masters degree - with a 4.0, I might add! I'm very proud of her!! She is now officially smarter than her mother (academically at least).
4. LOW: My dad died.
5. HIGH: I had the opportunity to spend time with my dad during his last days along with my sisters.
6. LOW: My dad's wife was not easy to deal with during all of this. I tried to realize that she was hurting and angry and whatever, but geez.
7. HIGH: Erin got a job - and the one she wanted at that! She gets to live at home and save up some money instead of jumping right into the world of rent and bills - although we did pass some things her way (cell phone, car insurance, . . .)
8. LOW/HIGH: Randy was still without a job, although he did get hired PT at Costco. It is something, but it is not enough.
9. HIGH: Stephen proposed to Erin!
I'll end 2010 on a HIGH note!
Looking on to 2011
1. Erin's wedding will definitely be the highlight of 2011. We are in good shape with the plans and have had fun so far with all of it!
2. K-Love has been talking about coming up with "A word for 2011" instead of new year's resolutions. Some of the ones I've heard people mention for themselves are: Conduit, Clear, Facebook (having their face in God's book) - it's to be a word that will drive deep into your soul to help you become the kind of person you want to be. I've been listening to them talk about this daily, and just today decided I needed to jump on board. I've been asking God all day what word He has for me to focus on this year. I'm still not 100% sure of it, but one that seems to be sticking is "Closer". I need to draw closer to Him this year. Unless He speaks extremely clearly to me that it should be something else, that's what I'm going with. CLOSER
3. So, with that word, I'm beginning a Bible study with a few women from church. We will be studying a book entitled "Boundaries". I have the 1st lesson information printed out and need to go purchase the book tomorrow so that I can begin getting CLOSER to God.
4. Because of Erin's wedding, I've a bit of motivation to eat healthier and exercise. Hopefully I'll drop some inches and weight before the wedding day. I have 6 months!!
5. I pray that Randy can get into a full time position/job somewhere - anywhere - this year! I must admit that I'm tired of money being tight. I also have to admit that God has truly been faithful, and I'm not really sure how we've made it except by his faithfulness!
Well that's a lot of expectation for a new year, and I'm sure there will be other things to speak about regarding 2011 when it comes to an end, but for now, these are the items I'm seeing and wishing and hoping for in the coming year!
2010 Highs and Lows
1. HIGH: My children's choir at church did a musical entitled "Land of the Giants". It was one of the most fun musicals I have done. The script was cute, the songs were awesome, and it was just plain fun!
2. LOW: We did NOT get to take a family vacation this year. I missed my vegging time on the beach.
3. HIGH: Erin graduated with her Masters degree - with a 4.0, I might add! I'm very proud of her!! She is now officially smarter than her mother (academically at least).
4. LOW: My dad died.
5. HIGH: I had the opportunity to spend time with my dad during his last days along with my sisters.
6. LOW: My dad's wife was not easy to deal with during all of this. I tried to realize that she was hurting and angry and whatever, but geez.
7. HIGH: Erin got a job - and the one she wanted at that! She gets to live at home and save up some money instead of jumping right into the world of rent and bills - although we did pass some things her way (cell phone, car insurance, . . .)
8. LOW/HIGH: Randy was still without a job, although he did get hired PT at Costco. It is something, but it is not enough.
9. HIGH: Stephen proposed to Erin!
I'll end 2010 on a HIGH note!
Looking on to 2011
1. Erin's wedding will definitely be the highlight of 2011. We are in good shape with the plans and have had fun so far with all of it!
2. K-Love has been talking about coming up with "A word for 2011" instead of new year's resolutions. Some of the ones I've heard people mention for themselves are: Conduit, Clear, Facebook (having their face in God's book) - it's to be a word that will drive deep into your soul to help you become the kind of person you want to be. I've been listening to them talk about this daily, and just today decided I needed to jump on board. I've been asking God all day what word He has for me to focus on this year. I'm still not 100% sure of it, but one that seems to be sticking is "Closer". I need to draw closer to Him this year. Unless He speaks extremely clearly to me that it should be something else, that's what I'm going with. CLOSER
3. So, with that word, I'm beginning a Bible study with a few women from church. We will be studying a book entitled "Boundaries". I have the 1st lesson information printed out and need to go purchase the book tomorrow so that I can begin getting CLOSER to God.
4. Because of Erin's wedding, I've a bit of motivation to eat healthier and exercise. Hopefully I'll drop some inches and weight before the wedding day. I have 6 months!!
5. I pray that Randy can get into a full time position/job somewhere - anywhere - this year! I must admit that I'm tired of money being tight. I also have to admit that God has truly been faithful, and I'm not really sure how we've made it except by his faithfulness!
Well that's a lot of expectation for a new year, and I'm sure there will be other things to speak about regarding 2011 when it comes to an end, but for now, these are the items I'm seeing and wishing and hoping for in the coming year!
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