Saturday, September 24, 2011

"Just Do The Next Thing" Progress Update #2

Well, not too much updating to do for this past week. I began the week out of town for 2 days at the NC Baptist Singers Retreat. Then I was sick on Thursday. So that only gave me 3 days to work on any of these goals.

I DID; however, make a few steps in the right direction on some of them. . . 1) I began working on a cash flow plan/budget and 2) I called my sister, Missy, today just to say hi and we talked for quite awhile! So, although the week was "short", it did not go by without some small steps toward accomplishment.


  1. glad to see the updates! and u called me today!!

  2. good you're making progress thats what counts! And you talked to me this week too!! ps I think i'm gonna come home either the weekend of oct 7th depending on how much I get done on my project. If not, the next weekend is fall break! Love you
