Saturday, September 10, 2011

Just Do The Next Thing

I am a procrastinator. When things appear overwhelming to me, I put them off. Then nothing gets done. I've had this problem/issue my entire life. Now, I know in my head how to tackle it. One step at a time. But then I get overwhelmed trying to figure out where to begin. It is a vicious cycle and I HATE it!! I'm not very good at carrying out small steps to = a big plan.

This is why I like step by step instructions. 1. Do this first. 2. Do this second. and so on. I'm seriously like this with everything I do. Even down to cleaning the kitchen. I have to force myself to focus on one thing at a time: 1. Clean out the dish washer first. - - Don't look at everything else, just do this 1 task. 2. Put dirty dishes into the dishwasher - - Continue to not look at everything else, finish this task. 3. Well, you get the picture, I think. It's HARD!! (Don't laugh - it is.)

So, I have some projects/goals/things I'd like to accomplish. I'm going to try to outline them here and take them 1 at a time by making step by step instructions to complete them. This could take a long time, but might make for some interesting blog posts along the way. Below is a list of some projects/goals/things I'd like to accomplish. Some are B-I-G, REALLY BIG! Some not so big. Now that I know I have a small following, I'm expecting some encouragement here!! If I need physical help, I'll let you know, but for now just some encouragement will help push the procrastinator on to doing the next thing. I read somewhere about that - - when you really don't know what to do, just do the next thing. That might be getting out of the bed, or taking a shower, but just do the next thing.

Below are a list of these projects/goals/things I'd like to accomplish (not necessarily in this order - some of these will be long term projects):

1. Get Control of Finances & Get Out of Debt
(I'm getting mad about this one, so watch out!)
2. Clean out and organize my closet
3. Clean out and organize my dresser
4. Clean out and organize the hall closet
5. Clean out and organize the laundry closet
6. Rearrange/redecorate my bedroom
7. Complete the redecoration of Erin's bedroom into office/guest room/scrapbooking area
8. Go to bed earlier/Get up on time
9. Strengthen my relationship with Jesus
10. Strengthen my relationship with my husband & Date Night once a week!
11. Talk (not email or text) to each of my family members (mom, sisters, daughters) at least once a week.
12. Exercise 3 times a week (but this includes stretching my back muscles daily!) - - Been having some back problems again.

OK I think 12 is enough, don't you? Some are long term and are NOT going to be easy. Others I should be able to knock out, but for me even they will be a bit difficult. So, I'll post weekly on what I've been doing towards these goals - I guess that's Goal #13 - - to be sure I post weekly!! :)

OK, so just do the next thing.


  1. making a list ALWAYS helps me get things done! just looking at one thing at a time is crucial! if i look at more than one, i try to do too much at once and get so sidetracked that none of it gets done.

    i can't wait to read about your progress!! i'm telling ya...Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover will help even if you don't do the whole plan...his advice is good. let me know if you want to borrow my book! :)

    Love you!

  2. you can do anything you put your mind to. I love you.
