Monday, January 31, 2011

2010 vs 2011

So, I'm long overdue on a blog post, and after seeing a lot of other people reflecting on 2010 and looking forward to 2011, I thought - why not join in? So, since today is the last day of January, it is high time I begin doing some reflecting on my past year and looking forward to the next because after January, what's the use really?

2010 Highs and Lows
1. HIGH: My children's choir at church did a musical entitled "Land of the Giants". It was one of the most fun musicals I have done. The script was cute, the songs were awesome, and it was just plain fun!

2. LOW: We did NOT get to take a family vacation this year. I missed my vegging time on the beach.

3. HIGH: Erin graduated with her Masters degree - with a 4.0, I might add! I'm very proud of her!! She is now officially smarter than her mother (academically at least).

4. LOW: My dad died.

5. HIGH: I had the opportunity to spend time with my dad during his last days along with my sisters.

6. LOW: My dad's wife was not easy to deal with during all of this. I tried to realize that she was hurting and angry and whatever, but geez.

7. HIGH: Erin got a job - and the one she wanted at that! She gets to live at home and save up some money instead of jumping right into the world of rent and bills - although we did pass some things her way (cell phone, car insurance, . . .)

8. LOW/HIGH: Randy was still without a job, although he did get hired PT at Costco. It is something, but it is not enough.

9. HIGH: Stephen proposed to Erin!

I'll end 2010 on a HIGH note!

Looking on to 2011
1. Erin's wedding will definitely be the highlight of 2011. We are in good shape with the plans and have had fun so far with all of it!

2. K-Love has been talking about coming up with "A word for 2011" instead of new year's resolutions. Some of the ones I've heard people mention for themselves are: Conduit, Clear, Facebook (having their face in God's book) - it's to be a word that will drive deep into your soul to help you become the kind of person you want to be. I've been listening to them talk about this daily, and just today decided I needed to jump on board. I've been asking God all day what word He has for me to focus on this year. I'm still not 100% sure of it, but one that seems to be sticking is "Closer". I need to draw closer to Him this year. Unless He speaks extremely clearly to me that it should be something else, that's what I'm going with. CLOSER

3. So, with that word, I'm beginning a Bible study with a few women from church. We will be studying a book entitled "Boundaries". I have the 1st lesson information printed out and need to go purchase the book tomorrow so that I can begin getting CLOSER to God.

4. Because of Erin's wedding, I've a bit of motivation to eat healthier and exercise. Hopefully I'll drop some inches and weight before the wedding day. I have 6 months!!

5. I pray that Randy can get into a full time position/job somewhere - anywhere - this year! I must admit that I'm tired of money being tight. I also have to admit that God has truly been faithful, and I'm not really sure how we've made it except by his faithfulness!

Well that's a lot of expectation for a new year, and I'm sure there will be other things to speak about regarding 2011 when it comes to an end, but for now, these are the items I'm seeing and wishing and hoping for in the coming year!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck Connie on your 2011 goals and drawing CLOSER to God!!!! Hopefully this year will be filled with many HIGHlights :-) I'm excited for E's wedding too!!

