This post is about the mischievous antics of one cute puppy dog named Coconut.
This little furry creature that lives with us sleeps all day long and when the lights go out, gets very busy and into a lot of trouble. Below are just a few of his ventures. . .
He has pulled out all of my decorative pillows that stay on my bed - mind you he hasn't bothered these on the bed for 3 years - and tore the tassels off of one of them. Tassels all over the bedroom!!! Aauugghh!!
I've had some bags sitting in the corner of my bedroom for months, but this week Coconut has "discovered" them. I've found plastic bugs all over the bedroom chewed to pieces. I know what these bugs are from, I just don't know exactly where they were or where he found them.
Also in one of the bags were some Smarties - you know, the candy - - well, he had a feast one night! Also that night, he pulled out a bag of small gardening tools and had them strewn all over the room. All of these things have happened since last Wed!
But last night takes the cake! I cooked a turkey yesterday. Coconut slept literally all day long, until I began to carve the turkey. Then he became wide awake and alert and wanted some. So, after making him sit and wait, I shared with him. Well, I doubled bagged the turkey bones and stuff that gets thrown away. Randy had already taken the trash can down to the street because it was full, so I left the bag on the floor in the kitchen - - BIG mistake.
About 2am, I hear this rustling noise. I get up and with my cell phone as a flashlight, I begin looking to see what he is up to now! As I get closer, I see a trash bag in the middle of my bedroom floor!!!! He has dragged that trash bag with the turkey remains all the way down the hall and into my bedroom!!! I pick it up - and it is not leaking - thank goodness! It goes into the kitchen sink. Then I notice pieces of the trash bag all the way down the hall. I go back into the bedroom and discover a drumstick bone completely cleaned! Hmmm - - he was at this for awhile before I heard him!! I take it back to the kitchen and then discover a HUGE hole in the trash bag. He could have had turkey drippings all over my carpet in the bedroom! OMG! I turn around and that sweet puppy is standing there looking at me with his mouth open - which is weird that his mouth is open, but I let him outside to potty. It takes him a bit, but he comes back and runs down the hall. That was the next weird thing, as he usually waits for a "cookie". I hear him whimpering and as I look down the hall he is going into each bedroom and whimpering. Then he goes into Allyson's room and jumps on her bed. I then get scared that he has a bone or part of a bone lodged in his throat, so I open his mouth and he has the cartilage end of a turkey bone in his mouth. The little cutie was trying to find somewhere to "bury" it - that's why he was whimpering - he couldn't find anywhere to bury it! OMG!
So after 30 minutes dealing with turkey and dog, I finally go back to bed. I wish I'd had a camera to watch him dragging that trash bag all the way down the hall and into the bedroom - dumb dog.
I'm going to have to start crating him again if this doesn't stop!!! I type this as he is laying on his blanket sound asleep - but when it come to be bedtime, he'll wake right up!!! I think I need the dog whisperer.
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