Well, hims is the sweetest puppy dog alive! We all love him very much - especially Randy! Oh yes!!! (dream music) . . .

In 2006 Allyson wanted a dog for Christmas. I had put my foot down and said no way and gave her a loooooooooooong list of reasons why we were not getting a dog: didn't want the responsibility of a big dag again (we used to have a golden retriever); was NOT going to have a dog live in the house because of shedding mainly; and IF we had a dog in the house, we'd have to train him well; I didn't want a dog that would nip and scare small children; . . . you get the picture. Well, Allyson did her research. Everyday when I came home from work, she would have a different picture of a different puppy as my computer background (hint hint)!!! Ingenious, I must admit! Some of them were quite expensive - and that was a GREAT BIG NO! Well, she eventually found the Maltese: good with small children, do not shed, train well, etc, etc. She marked off every single reason from the list. Even the money one because she found this litter of puppies in Greensboro that were Maltese/Pomeranian mix and were only $300 - - which is pretty normal I found out. I kept telling her no, but I secretly emailed the woman. Randy and I went to Greensboro on Friday night when Allyson was spending the night with a friend (I think) to take a look at these puppies. Awwww - they were so cute!! All but 2 were solid white. One female and one male had some tan markings. The female was promised, but I really like the male with the tan markings. He kept playing with me after the others lost interest, and I liked the fact that he was not solid white - gave him some character!!! So, we put a deposit on him. Randy had taken the video camera that night and had videoed the whole litter, but also got video of just this one puppy. We made a DVD to give her on Christmas morning and told her that on our way back home from Ronda the day after Christmas, we would stop in Greensboro to pick him up. Excited was not the word!!!

She took very good care of him, and we took him to puppy training at PetSmart - it's really owner training :o). The hardest thing was getting that puppy house trained! Ugh! (I should have added that to my list of reasons not to have a dog in the house!) But I digress. . . He was so sweet. Fast forward . . .
Allyson left to go to college :o( and Coconut became our dog. Then in 2008 Randy was laid off and being at home all day . . . well, he and Coconut have bonded, shall we say, and become BEST BUDS! That dog has separation anxiety when Randy leaves - it's pitiful!! But hims is still the sweetest dog I've ever known!!! And he still gets excited when Allyson comes home!!
We bathe him probably more than we should, but I don't want my house smelling like dog. He doesn't really stink - even when he stinks - if that makes sense. Anyway, tonight was bath night because we're going to Grandma's tomorrow! Usually he runs and hides if you ask him if hims wants a bath, but tonight I began running the water (now, granted, he was in the bathroom with me with the door shut, so he couldn't go far) but when I asked him if hims wanted to take a bath, hims jumped right into the bathtub!!! I couldn't believe it!!! Ha! I knew he secretly liked the bath!!! :o) He has always liked the massage part of the bath (a dog after my own heart!!). So, hims is all pretty and smells good again - - like a fru-fru dog - ha! Yes, hims is a priss! But we love hims!!!