Well, not off to such a good start blogging, am I. August to January? I didn't want to put anything out here that was nonsense, so I've put nothing - until now.
I was reading an article in HomeLife magazine and the interviewer asked "What is God doing in your life right now?" I've heard that before in other articles, from the pulpit at my church, in Bible studies. . .and I've always thought I had nothing to share to answer this question. Most likely because I wasn't paying attention, or I wasn't tuned in, or maybe He wasn't working in my life - that was scary to me. Has He given up on me and said I'm not going to work in her life anymore? Well, of course not. Thank goodness, God doesn't give up on us! I'm sure it was one of the other reasons.
I can honestly say now that God is currently working in my life to teach me about being content with what I have been given and to truly trust Him with every aspect of my life. October 2008 began this lesson when my husband was laid off - like so many other people have been. To be honest, I was quite scared when this happened because it had happened before. Before he was very fortunate to find new employment right away, but at a lesser pay. It sent us into a financial whirlwind that left us thinking we had no other option but bankruptcy. Oh how wrong that was - but I couldn't see it at the time. So this time I was, yes, worried. But this time I immediately began seeking the Lord and asking Him to guide us through what we needed to do and also asking Him to give me the strength to trust Him.
We listened to advice - Godly advice this time - from others in the church that had gone through a similar time. I took a budget course through my church, and began putting a plan together. All the while, seeking God and confirming that I was on the right path this time. If you'd told me we would still be current on all of our bills 18 months later with Randy still looking for work, I'm not sure I would have believed you. There are many times I look at what is coming in compared to what is going out and wonder how God makes it work - and still have a little bit left over! He is an AWESOME GOD!!
In Malachi, God talks to us about tithing. He says "Try me now in this". I wanted to be obedient to Him in tithing, but asked Him how it could happen? He placed a figure upon my heart and said "Connie, be obedient in this amount and I will bless you". He also reminded me of Matt. 6:26 "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. (and this next part is important) Are you not much more valuable than they?" He has promised to provide for us. And boy has He! We have had plenty to pay the bills and keep a roof over our heads and keep food on the table, and even to give to others.
I am still in a learning curve right now, and, yes, I am still having moments when I'm ready to be done with this lesson and to be able to go out and buy whatever I want - - but the lesson is not finished yet because I am still learning how to be content with what I have. I am still learning that He provides for me every day and in everything. I am also still learning that He has promised to take care of me TODAY. That's all we have anyway, isn't it? We are not promised tomorrow. Today is what we have been given, and He has taken care of me today. I am so thankful that He has!